Friday, January 27, 2017

James Goetz Florida Chronicles- The Senator

Exhausted from the ride back to school in Connecticut, James Goetz lay his head down on the pillow, events still spinning around and around.

The thoughts of his mother nearly meeting her demise in a Florida graveyard at the hands of a psychotic, postal worker who went postal was disturbing. The vision of the postman of the postman meeting his demise in the manner he did was traumatic.

The events of delivering the Lakeland Diamond to the governor in New York though were a bit baffling. As requested by his father, James Goetz delivered the Lakeland Diamond to the governor of New York on his way back to Chiropractic College in Connecticut at the University.     

Upon arrival to the governor’s mansion, Goetz met a plethora of city commissioners and dignitaries alike. Most were very “politician-like”.  Goetz felt quite gross and dirty being there feeling as if he stayed too long he would be swallowed up by insecurity and a need for power without the know how of what to do with the responsibility once charged with it. There was one slippery oddity that stood out amongst them all. He introduced himself, as “The Senator” The senator was a short, rotund, grey man. He sounded punch drunk when he spoke. He was quire astute in the goings on of the city of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. He was also quite up-to-date with the Lakeland Diamond and somehow even knew about its unexpected delay in Florida. Hw was most peculiar when he spoke of Duchess’s Actions as, the move behind the move. After saying this eyes rolled a bit as if his head was a toy doll. It was off. None, the less, the Lakeland Diamond was handed directly to the governor of New York to be put on display. Young James Goetz was safe in his return to his Chiropractic studies in Connecticut and able to rest a day in his Bridgeport apartment.         

Goetz’s thoughts began to return to human motions, bodily dysfunction, pathology diagnosis and treatment. It was refreshing.  On the way to class that Monday morning, he stopped at the local coffee spot for his usual triple espresso. He sat to read the morning Bridgeport news where low and behold, glaring directly at him on the front page read the headline, “Famous Lakeland Diamond Stolen”. In the article, many of the city commissioners, dignitaries and various officials were interviewed. One in particular stood out. The senator was quoted as saying, “From the Royal Family to the governor and back again, it’s the move behind the Lakeland Diamond may never be found again”.

How peculiar, thought James? As his family was no longer commissioned to protect the Lakeland Diamond, Goetz walked to the University. He had a class.

Obviously, the triple espresso was not enough to keep the over active mind of James Goetz awake. Dr. Keown slammed a large green book on the desk, which Goetz was utilizing as a bed. Goetz quickly recited all twelve cranial nerves. Dr. Keown acknowledged this was impressive but inquired to what the senator did. Dr. Keown stated that James Goetz was muttering in his sleep. The Senator did it, over and over again. Dr. Keown then inquired how in the world James was getting all A’s by sleeping all day. “Now that is a true mystery if constant studying were not key, “commented Goetz”.

That evening Goetz had a dream. It involved the senator, governor, and the chaos created by the city commissioners on the day Goetz dropped off the Lakeland Diamond in New York. When young James Goetz awoke, he sent a telegram to both New Jersey and Florida as he was unsure which location his parents were in. Confident in his thoughts, Goetz did not leave Bridgeport and continued Chiropractic College uninterrupted.

That Friday morning, as per typical routine, James Goetz visited
The local Bridgeport, Connecticut barista for a triple espresso. This morning the front-page headlines read, “Lakeland Diamond found, Senator indicted”. The story read exactly as Goetz had envisioned the events. The Senator switched the real diamond with a fake before he handed it to the governor. The governor was inadvertently handed a fake diamond, while the Senator was in possession of the actual Lakeland Diamond. Unfortunately for the Senator, the governor stole the fake diamond, prompting an investigation that was never planned.

The more behind the more was one move too many.