Thursday, January 26, 2017

James Goetz Florida Chronicles- The Postal Mailman

The studio James Goetz sat along in his Bridgeport, Connecticut apartment overlooking the Long Island Sound. It was already cool outside. The thought if the disappearance of his mother, the Duchess, refused to elude him. From Tampa, Florida to New Jersey to Bridgeport, Connecticut, all within one week’s journey, Goetz was exhausted. However, he refused to let the thought of the disappearance of his mother elude his thoughts. Somehow, he would attend class in Chiropractic College by order of his father, “the professor."

Goetz arose from his slumber suddenly by the sound of Dr. Keown's heavy textbook slamming on his desk. Startled, Goetz affirmed his presence but wondered how he arrived. It was obviously a very long and stressful week. Dr. Keown spouted his usual rhetoric on paying attention. Goetz affirmed his prescience but wondered how he arrived. It was obviously a very long and stressful week. Dr. Keown spouted his usual rhetoric on paying attention. Goetz spouted to Keown somehow everything he was talking about as if he was the one whose philosophy was being discussed, Keown went back to teaching. Goetz went back to sleeping.

As Goetz left school for the day, his mind was still spinning. As he entered his Bridgeport apartment, he was startled due to his father sitting in the living room.

“The postman” exclaimed the professor. He began explaining about the Duchess’ preview assignment. It goes back thousands of years where a very large and unique diamond was discussed in Africa. It was sold to a dealer in India who properly cut it and named it, The Lakeland Diamond. He then sold it to the king of England, where it sat up until last month. The Ductchess was hired to silent security during the transport of the Lakeland Diamond. He then sold it to the king of England, where it sat up until last month. The Duchess was hired to silent security during the transport of the Lakeland Diamond from Buckingham Palace vies United States Postal Service to New York, for a special display. Along the way, the Postman deviated his course. Duchess stealthily apprehended the Lakeland Diamond and diverted it back to Florida, sending a courier to the Royal Family and was awaiting instruction. Information from the federal bureau and Scotland yard leads us to believe the Postman went looking for both the Lakeland Diamond and your mother, knowing if he found one, he would find the other. He traced her down to the Florida home, and she is now missing.

Goetz began to wonder what purpose his mother would serve to the Postman who obviously went postal. The only idea Goetz came up with was only she knew where the Lakeland Diamond was. By locating the Lakeland Diamond it would be drowned out the Postman and this get his mother back.

Where could she have hidden the Lakeland Diamond, Goetz pondered? In a brainstorming session with the elder Goetz, they traced her s steps back to only Tampa, Florida. She has not has a chance to leave town yet. The Lakeland Diamond must be somewhere in the Sunshine State. Most likely it was still in the house. Where though could it be?

Exhausted from the week, James Goetz grabs the coffee beans in the pantry. Offering his dad a cup, he opens the bag, emptying coffee beans into the grinder a long with the Lakeland Diamond. “Well, that was easy,” exclaims Professor Goetz!

James Goetz heard a knock on the door. It was the courier. The message read, “Graveyard 3am”, The Postman.

Upon arrival at 3 am, young James Goetz quite a few sleeping alligators laying a round the graveyard. As him and his father, Professor Goetz searched; they found the Duchess in an ominous position. She was tied up, hanging from a palm tree over the lake with literally hundreds of gators swarming beneath. A villaneous opperative came out of the dark.

There stood a medium built man with long unkempt black hair, a beard, and odd marking on his neck as if, part of it had been severed off and sews back on. His dress was unkempt and navy blue in color.

The Lakeland Diamond! Where is the Lakeland Diamond? ” explained the Postman.” Close, very close,” says young Goetz.

As James Goetz spoke with the Postman, Professor Goetz was busy rescuing the Duchess. Once she was free, James quickly darted towards the Postman, delivering a forceful spear action into the gut, with his shoulder. He quickly mobilized tossing with great force the Postman into the Lake, which the Duchess once dangled over.

The grotesque scene of the Postman being devoured by Florida gators was too much to watch. The family now reunited decided to leave Florida for now back to their New Jersey abode.

Without much time to celebrate or reunite, Professor Goetz bellowed to his son James, “off to Connecticut with you.  You will not miss class. On the way, please drop off this Lakeland Diamond off at the governess mansion in New York.

To be continued in the James Goetz Chronicles: The Senator