Thursday, February 2, 2017

James Goetz Florida Chronicles- Russian Terminator

Professor Goetz had been a recluse for the last year. He began to look gaunt, scraggly and his bathing habits were called into question. James Goetz was noticing the lack of self-care his father was applying. Some thought professor Goetz might have been stricken ill. Others may have been led to think a sickness of the mind was at hand. In reality, young James Goetz knew the truth. The truth was his father was burning the midnight oil from both sides of a candle. Professor Goetz was holed up in his New Jersey laboratory once again. The United States Government was concerned of another internal conflict. The thought of further civil war would decimate them and perhaps even leave them susceptible to outside forces such as Great Britain looking to regain their colonies as they had done this country, or the emerging powers of Russia or Germany. If such chaos from a young man spraying graffiti or blowing up Bridgeport, Connecticut as recently occurred, was so simple to accomplish, surely a manner to prevent this again was necessary. This is why Goetz had been once again commissioned to save the world.

Busy in the private New Jersey Goetz laboratory, James Goetz was watching his father craft fully build a large metal object. Young James Goetz was intrigued by the complexity of this weapon. By the looks of it, the appearance was almost human, only it was made of metal. A table in the Goetz New Jersey was covered in complex spaghetti-like metal called wires.

Professor Goetz put it together and turned it on. This eight foot tall, human-like machine stood attentively. Professor Goetz told it to walk forwards. This large machine proceeded forward. Professor Goetz commanded it to stop. Young James Goetz watched this machine stop.

Chiropractor James Goetz inquired to his father the source of power of this machine. Professor Goetz chuckled, “remember the Lakeland diamond”? How was this possible?  The Lakeland diamond had caused so much trouble. It caused deranged postal service men to come out of the woodwork. It caused politicians to lie, cheat, and steal. It almost caused an international incident. I thought the Lakeland diamond was sent back to its motherland to prevent another incident,  questioned young James Goetz. “It was, but due to escalating tensions in the world, the President of the United States commissioned your mother to bring it back and hide it in Florida.” She did”, said professor Goetz.

Professor Goetz had traveled down to Florida while young James Goetz had been at school in Bridgeport, Connecticut, bring it back to his New Jersey lab in order to create a robot that could be weaponized and bring peace to the United States. Only the Lakeland diamond diamond was the right size and shape with the necessary power to bring to life an inaminate object as big and powerful as this robot.

Young James Goetz now had a very serious concern and that concern was the United States using it, instead of defense for offense.

The robot was now fully functional. It was time Professor Goetz transported his creation from New Jersey to Washington, D.C. While Goetz created it, he did so for the United States government. The robot belonged to them. What they did with it may have been a great conceren to James Goetz New Jersey, but there was absolutely nothing he could do about itother than put his total and utter faith in the United States government and gthe President to do the right thing. The robot was designed for peace. Hopefully, this is what it would stand for. In a world that is becoming smaller and smaller and more unstable, peace woud onlyu last so long. Hopefully lang would be subjective to that of a small child and not an elderly statesman who keeps wondering “where did all that time go?”

James Goetz returned to Bridgeport, Connecticut from New Jersey to finish school